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We will help you create brand awareness, consideration and purchase campaigns on Google Ads so you can reach those clients that are most likely to know your business and make a purchase. 

User reach strategy

The goals of a campaign depend on the part of the marketing funnel that you want to act upon. We will help you create brand awareness, consideration, and decision campaigns so you can reach the different client profiles, according to the knowledge they have of your brand and how likely the will be to make a purchase.

We will also establish a daily budget for new campaigns, which will depend on the conversion value, the number of searches of relevant keywords, and the average cost-per-click of your competitors.


Lastly, we'll target the reach of your campaign using parameters such as your business location, demographic data, and the language of your potential customers.

estrategia de alcance al usuario google ads
Structure of ad groups

We consider your company's industry, your competitors' strategy and the types of keywords that we will bid for as we decide the best structure for your ad group. They may be divided according to product category, services, semantic values, performance, etc.


We will study all possibilities to find the right solution for your business.

estructura de grupos de anuncios bing ads
Keyword suggestions

Before you pick your keywords, you need to know the amount of searches they get, their average cost-per-click, the user's intention when they are searching that keyword, and the results in the search engine results page.


To analyze potential keywords to use, we user Google Trends, SEMRush, and Keyword Planner (as well as manual testing).


We choose the best strategy that suits your budget, monthly searches, and the type of keywords.

sugerencia de palabras clave google ads
Writing ads

In order to win the algorithm game, it's important to write three unique ads for reach ad group.


The ads should include the right keywords and be relevant to the page you are promoting.


We propose relevant ads that contain all the suggested keywords, with elegant copy that includes call-to-actions that encourage users to click.

redaccion de anuncios microsoft ads
Relevant extensions for your business

Google Ads and Bing Ads offer several types of extensions, so it can be difficult to know which one is better for your ad.


At SEM Consulting BCN we decide which ones to use based on the conversion goals you have., the results that come up in the search engine results page for your keywords, and your competitors' strategy.  

extensiones relevantes google ads
Suggestions for new audiences

In order to segment reach appropriately, get quality clicks, and improve the efficiency of conversion, we must use the right type of audience, depending on where the user is in the acquisition funnel.


That is why we help you choose the most relevant audiences and to use them to plan strategies that will help you reach new users, convert those who already have the intention of buying, and retain those who have already converted.

sugerencias de nuevas audiencias bing ads
Monitoring performance.

Once new campaigns have been created, it is fundamental to monitor their evolution and analyze their performance.


We commit to analyzing the data from the campaigns in the weeks following their creation to get anticipate potential negative trends (we can do this by adding negative keywords, increasing or decreasing bids, restructuring the budget, amongst other tactics).


This way we ensure that your campaign gets the desired results. 

monitorizar rendimiento google ads
Deciding how much to invest

Choosing the initial budget for your campaigns is one of the most important decisions you will have to make before you start promoting your business with Google Ads or Bing Ads.


There are several factors to take into account: the average cost-per-click for your business, the keywords you want to include, the sum of conversion values based on your sales goals, the average cost-per-acquisition and average conversion rate, competition in your industry, amongst many others.

At SEM Consulting Bcn we help you define a budget that adapts to your needs and will help you have a positive return on investment in the long term.

cuanto presupuesto invertir en google ads
In a nutshell...

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