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Improving the ROI of your campaign is more complicated than increasing traffic or conversions. 


Achieving consistent ROI growth implies successfully segmenting reach to reduce costs without losing qualified clicks along the way.

Negative keywords that block unqualified clicks

One of the dangers of paid advertising platforms is spending too much on low quality traffic to your site.


The best way to block these unqualified clicks is by regularly checking the search term reports and adding irrelevant terms as negative keywords.


This way you will stop appearing on searches that don't add any value for you, you will reduce costs and improve the efficiency of your investment.

palabras negativas google ads
Cost and benefit analysis to assign accurate conversion values

Creating reports that analyze the right metrics to make the right decisions is an art that requires precision and attention to detail.


The main problem is inaccurate data; this makes the base of your optimizations very unstable and fragile. Improving ROI is even more complicated, because it's the account manager who has to assign the conversion values according to which the ROI will be calculated.

At SEM Consulting Bcn we help you decide the conversion value for each product or service that you're offering on the basis of the cost that it represents for the user, how much we are willing to invest in order to ensure profitability, production costs, expected profits, amongst other factors.


We conduct a deep analysis of your business and your demand so the ROI that you see on Google Ads and Bing Ads is accurate, and we can use it as a valid reference to perform optimizations.

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Restructuring the account to improve thematic and semantic relevance

A significant increase in ROI can sometimes only be achieved with deep structure changes in your account.


The main goal of restructuring is that each ad group is thematically and semantically relevante (if you have one word per ad group, even better). It's also better if each keyword appears in at least one ad, and you should consider including it in the landing page as well.


This way, you will improve the quality of your account, so during Google bids, the algorithms will prioritize your keywords and you will have access to the best positions on the SERP at a lower cost (improving your ROI).

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Increasing or decreasing bids depending on the value of conversion/cost

To ensure that the return on investment has sustainable growth over time, it is key to regularly analyze the conversion/cost (ROI) of each keyword, device, audience, etc: comparing it with its respective historical average and bidding to influence on the upward or downward trend that we might identify.


At SEM Consulting Bcn we analyze all the metrics that impact ROI to bid accurately: number of conversions, overlap rate with the competition, lost impression rate, conversion rate, etc.

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Consider the use target ROAS automated bids 

When your account has a good number of conversions (at least 50 in the last month), it might be interesting to try target ROAS automated bids. WIth these automated bids you can develop a proactive strategy: you allow the Google algorithms anticipate upward or downward trends and the reach, then the bid is adjusted accordingly. However, this strategy does not work for all businesses and accounts.


We encourage you to conduct experiments and let the data speak for itself.

pujas automatizadas google ads
Pause the terms with the highest cost and highest performance

To increase ROI we must make tough decisions, such as pausing spending on terms that are costing a lot of money and don't have a good enough performance.


The risk lies in deciding which words are not performing to our standards, because the slightest error (such as pausing a keyword that does bring relevant traffic and assisted conversions) can have a serious negative impact in the overall performance of our account.


There is nothing worse than spending time making modifications that will later be detrimental. 

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Redistributing and adjusting budgets according to demand and performance

A common mistake in paid advertising that affects ROI is deciding a budget when you create a campaign and never changing that budget.


Digital demand is volatile and it is crucial to be flexible and adjust your budgets regularly with cost and benefit analyses, conversion values, and the searches that your services and products generate. If we budget too much, we risk spending money on irrelevant terms (Google will spend your money anyway), and if we don't spend enough, we will be losing potential conversions and income, so it is important to get it right if we want a good ROI.

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Adjust match based on search term spend

A common mistake in paid advertising that affects ROI is deciding a budget when you create a campaign and never changing that budget.


Digital demand is volatile and it is crucial to be flexible and adjust your budgets regularly with cost and benefit analyses, conversion values, and the searches that your services and products generate. If we budget too much, we risk spending money on irrelevant terms (Google will spend your money anyway), and if we don't spend enough, we will be losing potential conversions and income, so it is important to get it right if we want a good ROI.

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Irrelevant placement exclusions

Both in Display and in Video, it is necessary to regularly review the places where our ads are shown to detect those that are irrelevant to our business and therefore increase average CPCs / CPAs (and consequently negatively affect ROI).


Once we identify the sites with poor performance, we can add them to an exclusion list to stop appearing in them. Our ROI will appreciate it.

excluir emplazamientos google ads
Implement segmented audiences to exclude low-quality users

Applying segmented audiences is one of the most radical strategies in paid advertising, as you directly exclude users who do not belong to those lists.


However, it is a very effective way to segment traffic and have an immediate increase in ROI - since we will only show ourselves to those users that we decide.


At SEM Consulting Bcn we recommend first putting the audiences into observation (purchase intention, similar and remarketing) and if they have a more profitable performance than the average of the account (and therefore a higher ROI), we put them in segmentation to regulate the reach and reduce costs.

audiencias de segmentacion google ads
Writing descriptive ads

The more information the user has about what will be found on the landing page, the more qualified the clicks you will get, the lower the bounce rate, and the more likely that the user who arrives has purchasing intent.


That's why at SEM Consulting Bcn we write unique ad titles and descriptions for each keyword you have, segmenting users who click and and improving ROI.

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Configuration of the reach of campaigns based on your buyer personas

The buyer persona is the profile of the potential client who would be interested in your products or services.


If we want to have a good ROI, the first thing is to identify the characteristics of that profile (age, gender, time of connection the most, type of device that they usually use to surf the web, etc.).


Once we have created this profile, we can create an experiment modifying the configuration of the campaign according to your preferences and characteristics to segment the reach as much as possible and choose the best possible ROI.


At SEM Consulting Bcn we recommend first conducting an experiment with these new configurations and contrasting with the metrics of the original campaign so that the data decide what the best strategy is. 

datos demograficos google ads
Analyzing conversion rates and improving landing page strategies

ROI is the most important metric of any business and the most difficult to improve as there are many factors that play a role in it.


So to have a real impact we need to go beyond paid advertising and identify landing pages with below-average conversion rates to optimize them.


There are many changes that can be made to increase the chance that users who access the page end up converting (and therefore improving the ROI): modifying the text and location of the call to action, try new images and different texts, change the structure to make for a smoother UX, etc.


At SEM Consulting Bcn we believe that it is best to try different experiments and see which one has the best conversion rate. We can communicate our suggestions to your content creation team or directly implement them ourselves at no additional cost.

tasas conversion google ads
In a nutshell
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